Excesss Trivia
A little history about pub trivia, and the Excesss style on an old favorite.
Pub trivia is nothing new. People have been showing off their big brains in bars for nearly as long as there has been beer. But trivia in pubs, bars and restaurants has taken on a life of its own all across the country! THe most popular venues are the ones that offer entertainment and atmosphere. Any place can offer some food or some drinks - but it is a special place that feels comfortable and inviting, and creates a feeling of belonging. Pub trivia can be a big part of that. Teams shairng a beverage or two and playing a round of trivia together creates more than just bragging rights and a few laughs... it creates memories.
Rooms full of smiling faces. Crowds of engaged players. Teams working together each week towards being the best. Being called "Winner" means being both the smartest and fastest on the buzzer. And winning means more than just prizes - we're talking serious bragging rights here...
For nearly a decade, Excesss Trivia has been bringing their unique flavor of pub quiz entertainment to some of the best venues in the city. Our pro-trained hosts, better equipment, better online promotion, more chances to answer each night, content written specifically for each show, faster paced, more FUN - these are just SOME of the things that make the EXCESSS flavor of trivia so EXCESSSIVELY good!
See our list of daily trivia shows
The Gameshow edge
Most pub quiz or trivia nights are exactly that - they feel like taking a test in a bar. Teams get one question, and may wait a whole song to get their answer in before getting another one. They also have to wait for scoring by the judge... so slow and boring!!! Excesss Trivia is different. Excesss Trivia is fast-paced, like a gameshow. In fact, we have a Jeopardy-style game board that we project in the bar, complete with categories and values for questions in each category. We also use buzzers - teams actually ring in if they know the answer, and the answer is revealed on the screen to prove they got it right. Scoring is instant - no time for cell phone cheaters - and the fast paced action makes it as fun to watch as it is to play. Excesss Trivia can provide 10-20 buzzers each night for teams to play. Most nights feature 4 games a night- so more chances for teams to win. Each game board is 6 categories, 5 questions each - so more variety of content, and more chances to answer - 120 questions vs 20 or so from those OTHER pub trivia nights!!!
Hosts who live and breathe trivia
There seems to be a lot of people who try to run trivia nights... but no one can touch what Excesss hosts bring show after show. It is sad to say, but it seems like just about anybody with a laptop will call themselves a trivia host to try and get a free beer. We don't just host a trivia night... we make it an EVENT! Our hosts are a special group that get the energy level up, make crowds feel welcome, and work towards making each trivia night a real experience. We are always looking for the RIGHT type of energetic, reliable, entertaining personalities to become new hosts and join the Excesss team... we train our hosts fully, and provide them with dedicated equipment to provide a trivia experience that is second to none.
meet the Excesss Trivia hosts
Better promotion, online and off.
Excesss Trivia utilizes our website and social media to promote every trivia gig we have. We post pictures of winners from each of our shows that really generate a lot of buzz. Make sure to check out our shows listings for the times, days, address, and even maps to every venue where we perform.
Excesss Trivia works closely with our venues to help them promote and build successful nights. We offer NO-TERM contracts with all of our venues - we only want to be in a venue if they want us there, and if our night proves successful. Trivia gets people interacting and enjoying their night out - and people stay out longer when there is something to do. Our professionally designed posters, flyers, postcards, rule cards, check stuffers and table tents - combined with our results-driven marketing services - provide our clients with a level of marketing and exposure that is unmatched by those other trivia nights.
The bottom line is that Excesss Trivia believes in what we do, and we strive to be the best at it. Trivia is not just a job, it is a passion. We strive to share that passion with all who come to our shows.
The first ever excesss trivia winners!
- Buzzer-based, gameshow-action trivia nights
- Fast-paced trivia fun designed to entertain patrons playing as well as watching
- Energetic, professionally trained, FUN hosts who live and breathe the trivia experience
- Better promotional materials and marketing services for our venues
- Better social media presence and greater exposure of each of our trivia nights
While these are the reasons our patrons and venues tell us they are not just trivia fans, but EXCESSS TRIVIA fans, the truth is that there is also something else - something hard to describe - at an Excesss Trivia show; maybe it comes down to our company philosophy - of making each show we do the BEST show we have ever done.

Maybe you are looking for a weekly trivia night at your venue?
Or perhaps you are looking for the perfect way to make your next corporate meeting or event more fun and engaging?
Give Excesss Trivia a shot!
If you aren't sure- just come check us out at one of our shows...
we think you will have an Excesss-ively good time!
Click here for more information on having Excesss host YOUR venue's trivia night.
Click here for a list of Excesss daily trivia shows
The basic rules for a night of Excesss Trivia
Excesss Trivia is fun to play and quick to pick up because we have all seen a tv gameshow that pretty much echoes how our trivia nights go... but we have developed our standard rule card that details exactly how a standard game of Excesss Trivia typically goes.

Keep in mind: these are just the basic or standard rules. Venues have developed some house rules to make the game fit the way they or their players want THEIR trivia night to go!
- If your team knows the answer, it is time to TAP THAT! Tap that BUZZER, that is!! As in most occasions, a love tap beats a smack. First team on the tap can answer the question. Keep buzzers ON the tables, PUH-LEASE!
- Teams may buzz in multiple times for any question but BE WARNED! incorrect answers will LOSE your team points EACH time you buzz in.
- Smartphones, calculators, neural implants and mood-rings are all considered CHEATING!!! Cheaters WILL be openly called out & mocked in front of EVERYBODY.
- Each game may contain Daily Doubles, where you can bet up to ALL YOUR POINTS. NO points? Teams with zero or negative points will be allowed a GENEROUS 500 points to wager with -YOU’RE WELCOME!!!
- E.W.I. is the Everyone Wins Initiative: No one team can win two games in a row. Should this happen the prize will be awarded to the team in second place, although bragging rights STILL belong to the team that WIN WINS!
- If the host has an incomplete or wrong answer, just FORGIVE ‘em and MOVE ON! (its just a game after all, silly!)
- grab your buzzers,
fill your beers,
and show us how BIG your BRAINS are, baby!
EXCESSS TRIVIA is about to begin!
Excesss Trivia

About Us - FAQs
Learn more about pub trivia in general and what it is that makes Excesss Trivia so exceptional

Learn how easy it is to bring Excesss Trivia to your bar, restaurant or other venue. We also do special events, corporate functions, and private parties.